How medical science failed me & drum medicine saved me
Once I received my drum, it didn’t take long to discover that drumming significantly reduced my whole-body pain and chronic fatigue.
After years of trying everything to minimise my pain, I couldn’t believe that by simply connecting my hands with a drum, and making a beat; I became whole again.
Fibromyalgia and the pharmaceutical downward spiral
When I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in September 2021, I was offered painkillers, antidepressants, anti-epileptics, and injections. Having had chronic pain for 13 years, I knew pharmaceuticals didn’t work for me. All they did was make everything worse.
I first realised this in 2010 after having a laparoscopy for my endometriosis. It was a downward spiral and one of the most depressing periods of my life. I felt totally disempowered and didn’t understand why this myriad of meds weren’t working. It made me feel like my pelvic pain was all in my head.
The pills didn’t work because they were treating my symptoms, not the root cause. Fibromyalgia is a reductionist label for a whole range of symptoms, which in my case, was caused by trauma that had become stuck in my body. In the UK, our health system tends to focus on physical health and is not yet set up to support people with complex, long-term conditions, with emotional causes and symptoms.
Enter another state of consciousness
Drumming is one of the oldest forms of sound healing and all of us have an ancient and primordial connection to the beat of the drum. When played at an even tempo of about three beats per second for at least fifteen minutes we can become entranced and enter another state of consciousness. Other meditative disciplines often require years of practice to induce a similar experience.
No wonder drumming is medicine!
Playing my drum has supported me to release emotional blockages and trauma, thus significantly reducing my pain. I have also received drum medicine when my sciatica has been debilitating, by having the drum played over my lower back for 15 minutes. The reduction in pain was astounding and even though it shouldn’t, it still continues to surprise me. Before the drum, I was living a half life, in agony most of the time. Now I have set up my own sound healing business to support others.
Drumming can help transform your life, expand your consciousness, and also build community.
So next time an emotion or memory arises that you are unable to express verbally, I encourage you to try drumming it out instead. Tune into your body and how it feels; and express it with a beat. The rhythm may even develop into your own personal medicine song.
Drumming maintains our health. It also heightens our awareness and insight, enhances our creativity, keeping us grounded and able to share drum medicine with our clients. It’s also a lot of fun!
Group drumming
If you’re interested in joining a local drumming circle in Bristol, please get in touch. I would love to hear from you! Group drumming connects us with one another, enhances our focus, gives us a good workout and powers our healing as a collective.
Drumming could put you back in control of your life.